Little Prince Justin is Going Away
Here is the real problem with Canadian government, as it is exemplarized by the Trudeau administration. Our institutions were never very well thought out. We have only weak, limited, caretaker type government.

After him, the deluge, but also possibilities.
I never did like Justin Trudeau. He always struck me as a flake. However, he knew how to project “sunny ways” and that worked for a long while.
He was not very bright. He was very attractive. He had nice hair; even the conservative attack ads said so.
He had that patrician air about him; a sense of self sufficiency which is usually mistaken for actual competence. He studied acting and knew how to project assurance. He had clearly studied the old liberal tradition of “sunny ways” politics.
Yet there was nothing to him. He was a perfect stuffed suit. More and more, people saw that.
For a long while, people were still largely willing to tolerate him because of the unattractiveness of the alternatives. However, things have been getting grimmer in Canada. People see a reduction in their quality of life.
There is now complete exasperation at Trudeau’s inability provide any solutions. He does not even seem to recognize the problems. He seems to have his head stuck in the business media narrative that the country is doing great because the ruling class is.
So now he is going away. I do not know what he will do for the rest of his life. He would not make it as a media commentator. He really has nothing to say.
He has inherited a lot of money, so he will be okay. Along with the rest of the rentier class in Canada, he can spend the rest of his life complaining about taxes. Like the ‘Global’ wing of it, he can also mutter in private about how the lower classes are producing too much and using up to much space and resources.
What comes after Prince Justin is an interesting question. There are too many elements in play to predict much with any confidence. However, much will depend on who the liberals pick as their new leader.
There is a big fight going on inside the federal Liberal party. For a long time, the party had been the vehicle for the Globalists. Any slightly clued in people should know that these are the people who have run western civilization for the last three centuries.
They are the people who are behind both Zionism and Naziism, as well as as the masons and other occult orders who have run things in Canada. They are responsible for what is called ‘wokism’; all the antigender, climate, and identitarian nonsense which increasingly disturb and harm ordinary people. They are interested in maintaining their financial empires and hegemony, so as to guarantee themselves incomes without having to do anything, and not in economic expansion.
These people are losing power, in Canada and everywhere. They are being challenged by the industrialists. That is, the people who get their money by extracting surplus value from labor in the traditional capitalist way.
The industrialists used to be very stupid. They have become much more organized and effective in recent years. They are enraged by the Financialists and want to displace them.
Stephen Harper was Conservative prime minister of Canada from 2006 to 2015. He is the genius of industrialist capitalist conservatism in Canada. He messed up Canada pretty good in his time in office.
He laid the foundation to not only mess up Canada even more, but the whole world as well, after he left office. He is a cofounder of the International Democratic Union, IDU. This has as much to do with democracy as the Nazi party had with socialism.
The aim of IDU is to destroy social structures, in countries which still have them, all over the world. They want to destroy Globalism all over the world. They want to impose their Libertarian, free market ideology everywhere they can.
From this information, if there can be any safe prediction at all about politics in this age, this can be predicted; they will succeed in destroying Globalist hegemony. They will cause huge harm as they try to destroy anything interfering with their notions of an ideal society. Once they achieve full power, they will quickly destroy themselves.
IDU now has 84 member political parties and organizations, world wide. This includes Trump’s Republicans, Poilievre’s Conservatives, Doug Ford’s Conservatives, and some other provincial formations. Many national members have dropped out of the group or given themselves some distance from it, due to its ideas, or ideas of some of its members.
IDU has a weird idea of economy. Member parties accept as legitimate enterprises, businesses which produce nothing useful. More concerning, they have no problem working with organized crime.
They are not happy with just taking over one party and using it as their vehicle. They have taken over many of the global Financialist’s methods, including trying to get control of all political parties, controlling all sides of every forum. Thus they are trying to take over the Canadian Liberal party, too.
So, someone will be the next leader of the Liberal party. There seem to be no candidates who would be able to turn things around for the Liberals and win the next election against Mister Peepee. He or she could prepare the ground for the election after this one, because if anything looks like a one term government, it is that of The Peepee.
Many of these people would be fronts for the IDU. Most are not. However, some poorly informed people will assume some of these candidates are IDU when they are likely not.
For example, Mark Carney is mentioned as a candidate. Many assume that because he was president of the Bank of Canada during Harper’s tenure, he is a Harper boy. However, Canadian Prime Minister’s have no real control over the Bank of Canada or its governors.
Central banks in western countries are adjuncts of the Bank of International Settlements, the mother ship of Global Financialism. At that time, still, heads of state like Harper appointed who the BIS wanted or were in big trouble. Were Carney not a gold plated operative for the Globalists, he would never have been governor of the Bank of Canada or Bank of England.
However, bankers are quite unpopular in Canada, as in most of the western world. Carney does not seem to have much charisma or political skill. Maybe the Liberals have learned from the Prince Iggy interlude that appointing apparatchiks with no political experience as candidates is not a good plan.
Chrystia Freeland has at least the competence for the prime minister’s job. She seems to have been actually running the government for the past nine years. She does pop reasonably well in front of a camera.
Some people have the idea that Freeland is a UDI plant inside the Liberal party. This is because she had talked as though she wants to be the Margaret Thatcher of Canada. This idea is cute.
As for old Maggie Snatcher, British Prime Minister from 1980 to 1990, she was really a kind of dope who did not know what side she was on. She was effective at doing some dirty work the Financialists wanted done. Part of it was to cut back on social provisions they did not like.
Mostly, the Globalists wanted Britain deindustrialized. Organized labor there was getting too powerful, and the response was to just get most things manufactured abroad. As well, some social programs actually gave poor people some control over their lives, instead of just maintaining them in a powerless state.
But Thatcher was one of the signers of the UDI founding statement. This confuses some people who have trouble distinguishing competing ‘right wing’ groups. As well, who have trouble realizing that people like Thatcher also have trouble distinguishing right wing agendas.
By the way, such people tend to think of Liberals as something ‘center’ or ‘left’, instead of ‘right’. This in fact includes most people. In fact, no political party which is in any way left or progressive would be tolerated by the Canadian elite.
Much is made of Freeland being the granddaughter of Ukrainian Nazis brought into Canada after the war. She has never renounced these ideas. Nazis always were a project of Global Financialism.
The Liberals invited a Ukrainian Nazi Galicia division veteran to parliament two years ago, seemingly to test the waters. It did not create too much opposition, so they went ahead next with the ‘victims of communism’ memorial, alias the “people shot by communists for being murderous Nazis” memorial. It is no mystery why Canadian Zionist organizations have no problem with this, and why the Liberal party is so obedient to the Zionists.
Freeland is a Rhodes scholar. That means; Rothschild agent. She is an operative for the more militant faction within the Global/Financial elite.
That is, the ones who are determined to maintain their hegemony. These people are especially hostile to the IDU type of people. Freeland can be counted on to be a tough opponent against them.
There are also factions among the Globalists who are more worried about maintaining their own wealth and privilege, and can become nervous about conflicts. Many members of Trudeau’s cabinet seem to be from these kinds of ultra privileged families. Some are considered as possible leadership candidates but they all seem a bit ‘light weight’.
Melanie Jolie is a good example of this type. She has declined to run. However, someone like her could easily win the leadership. Such a person would have the same problem dealing with the IDU conservatives, and the present malaise in Canada, that Trudeau did.
Cristy Clarke is very clearly the lead IDU plant inside the federal Liberals. She resurrected the long dormant BC liberal party so that she could use the Liberal label. She needed to pose as being more moderate than the old BC conservatives until she could get into office.
When she became premier of BC she ran a straight out ‘business government’, meaning industrial capitalist. Now she has become the ‘point person’ in the IDU effort to take over the federal Liberal party. She has plenty of allies inside the party.
So, it is Freeland who is the most formidable candidate to replace Trudeau, would do best against Poilievre, and would be best able to keep the Canadians state alive. She might even win against Peepee. She would at least be the most effective in opposing him.
A government led by her would at least be less outright evil than Peepee. However, it would still be very evil. I do not do ‘lesser evilism’.
What the country and its people need is a party to defend the public and the national interests. It is simply not there. Neither branch of the oligarchy will tolerate such a thing.
The NDP has been around for a very long time. It was created by the Liberals as a ‘sounding board’ for progressive ideas. It helped them to determine the least concessions they would have to make to buy off demands for progressive reforms.
This is what the Liberal-NDP ‘entente’ has been about. It really did not work this time. The puny social programs produced were almost too much for the present day Liberal establishment, but not enough to impress the public.
The other purpose for the NDP is as a holding pen, someplace to corral all the ‘left-progressive’ flakes. That is, the people who demand that their ideas be complied with. Yet these ideas are not acceptable to most people, and are often harmful.
However, there is one idea which is a pet project of the globalist elite, which is not acceptable to the public, but which the Liberals are obligated to ram through. That is, the climate agenda, symbolized by the national ‘carbon tax’. This is the single biggest issue the Peepees are using to get enough support to bamboozle their way into power.
If the Liberals dropped this, it would take away much of the conservative support. It is doubtful that the Liberals can do this. They have become too ideologically invested in it.
So we will very likely have a conservative government. They will come into office right when everything really starts to go downhill. The Liberals might be glad they are not in office at this time, but just posturing from the opposition benches.
The shit which is going to start rolling downhill in 2025 would take a blog in itself to describe. Right now Poilievre and Ontario Premier Ford are doing a form of Keyfabe with American president elect Trump over his recent pronouncements. Keyfabe is a term derived from ‘pro wrestling’, describing the performances of performers as they boast and challenge each other before the cameras.
All of these people have connections through IDU. They share ideological memes. However, it is seen that ideology is quickly discarded when right wing politicians get into office and have to be seen to be protecting the national interest.
Trump’s threats should be taken seriously. He is likely to force harmful concessions onto Canada. He is likely to try to take control of, not just Greenland, but the Canadian arctic.
When the Canadian real estate bubble pops, it will create several years of severe economic turmoil in Canada. Poilievre can do nothing to stop it. He would try to deal with it from the position of neoliberal economic theory, which will make it much worse.
Conservatives are famous for turning on each other, and their leaders, when things go sour for them. I do not see the Peepee conservatives coping well with the challenges they will be facing. It is likely they will not last out a full term of office, even with a large majority.
Opinionated Canadians talk about the United States becoming unstable and a danger to Canada. The Excited States have always been slightly unstable and a danger to us. However, people do not see how fragile the Canadians state is now.
Here is the real problem with Canadian government, as it is exemplarized by the Trudeau administration. First, it let us dispense with the idea that we are or ever have been a democracy. We are an advanced colonial oligarchy.
It is incapable of dealing with crises or emergencies, or of the long range planning necessary to a modern state.
This is on purpose. Our constitution was drawn up by colonial administrators and a few key business people. The intent was to give the population some illusion of having a voice, but with imperial agents maintaining control.
The country was always intended as a resource colony. Manufacturing was tolerated, but only encouraged where it facilitated extraction and export of resources. The Liberal party was always the elite’s preferred party to manage the government apparatus and keep the population passive.
The Liberal party has developed a tradition of “sunny ways”. It has never worked really well for the country, but there has never been much alternative to the liberals. The present rise of radical right wing politics is novel in Canada.
This philosophy of government is thought to have originated with Prime Minister Laurier around the turn of the last century. It did not work very well for Laurier in the end. People finally got tired of his inability to deal with real problems piling up.
However, it has become a doctrine, taught by some universities in Canada, that government cannot do anything unless a consensus is “available.” Most of the time, government ‘manages’ problems until they go away on their own. This attitude can be shown to have severely held back the country’s progress.
However, Canadian government has been able to get along this way because Canada has usually been in a favored position. We have rarely had any really big problems. Now we have developed several and there is no capacity to cope with them.
Discussing these problems is a topic for several blogs. But there is an old saying about nations or civilizations. They thrive until they face a crisis they cannot deal with, and then they fall.
The governmental arrangements we now have are about to fail, and fall. We now have problems which cannot be merely “managed” until they resolve themselves or a “consensus” becomes available. The problems cannot be solved at the level at which they developed.
We are entering a time when “Competents in Charge” are required. We need competent people to develop more robust systems of governance, appropriate to a modern state. In these times, that means a socialized state.
This is not going to happen through any electoral process. The problems definitely cannot be solved by politicians or political parties.
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