The Zionist War Continues.

Zionists are like a pigeon playing chess. They knock over all the pieces, shit all over the board, then strut around like they think they are winning.

The Zionist War Continues.

There are new developments to discuss.

Russian President Putin once gave the following insight into dealing with the leaders of the Atlanticist hegemony. They are like playing chess with a pigeon. They knock over all the pieces, shit all over the board, then strut around like they think they are winning.

The Israeli Zionists seem to act in much the same way.

The war in West Asia is now set up to go on pretty much continuously until the Zionist entity collapses. It will remain the number two global issue during that time, behind only the NATO proxy war on Russia. It has been about two months since I have said anything about it.

It is, however, the number one emotional issue. The behaviour of the Zionists has greatly disturbed people all over the world, much more so than even the Ukronazis. People are impatient to see Israel destroyed.

Thus, many people are frustrated by recent developments in this war. These have been very surprising to most ‘commentators’ on the war. Most of these commentators do not have the slightest idea what they are talking about.

The squawkadoodle about the Syrian collapse has died down a bit. There is some information now about what happened. It is time to show what it is possible to know about the situation.

I can give a short answer and a longer answer about what has happened in the past month in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. The short answer is that Israel has developed into one of the most dramatic cases of imperial overreach ever seen in modern times. They believe they are succeeding in their plan of breaking up the countries around them, and seizing whatever territories they want.

The truth is, that while they have created incredible chaos and destruction, they are very rapidly overrunning their resources. They are exhausting the ability of Global Zionism, the countries it has coopted, to keep supporting them. They are creating incredible hatred for themselves over the whole globe, which is starting to greatly limit their scope of action.

They have thrown away the mask and shown the world their real nature and goals. It is clear to the world and the people of West Asia that these, not just the Palestinians but all the way out to Iran and including Egypt, have no way to make peace. They have to fight those who would annihilate them until these are eliminated as a threat.

The Zionists have now destroyed another of the client states around Israel. These states have kept peace on their borders for fear of retaliation. The destruction of the Syrian state has opened the space for much more formidable opposition to develop, just as it did with Lebanon.

The Zionists have now already played their strongest assets. The targeted states and non state entities know what they can expect. They know what they have to do.

Israel really has a weak army. It has a very strong air force. It will use it to implement its ‘Dahiya’ doctrine or strategy, of breaking resistance by attacking civilian populations and infrastructure from the air.

Thus, the resistance states must acquire effective air defenses. They must improve their ability to strike back at the Israeli heartland. They must get over their reluctance attack their enemy’s civilian infrastructure in retaliation.

Israel, and its American and British enablers, have a very powerful covert and intelligence force. They have a very long history of seeking to penetrate their enemies, destroying them from within.

Thus, the resistance states must greatly improve their counterintelligence awareness and ability. They must restructure their governments and command structures to insulate against cooptation.

While the state of Israel has a strong air force and covert services, it has a weak army and a weak domestic economy. It is now in an overreach dynamic where every attempt to overcome one centre of resistance opens another one. It is, of course, incapable of sustaining this indefinitely.

That is the short explanation.

Long explanations are usually required to give some context to uninformed people who are bewildered by the short explanation. There are three things which likely need some explaining.

First, what the state of Israel is about, what Zionism is, what is ‘Greater Israel, what is the ‘Yinon plan’. Second, the recent history of West Asia, with an emphasis on Syria. Third, it needs to be explained what has just happened, and its implications. In doing so, to address the more common delusions about it.

I assume by now, that people reading my stuff have a good idea of the history of Zionism and Israel, and the Palestinians. If not, my previous articles on that subject await you.

I have explained the history, but I did not myself realize until lately just how much the Zionists are committed to ‘Greater Israel’. The lunatics in control of Israel really believe this “from the Nile to the Euphrates” delusion. They are drawing maps of what territory they should take in, and debating about it.

They are not going to occupy all this territory at once, drive the indigenous population out, and bring in settlers. They plan to settle the more choice bits. Toward that, they want to break up all the states around them into statelets, powerless and dependent on them.

Toward this they have the Yinon plan. This was formulated back in 1980. It relies on air power and covert action to disrupt and intimidate the target states.

It also relies on unlimited resources provided by the Zionist lobbies in Europe and North America. These powers have until recently realized the lunacy and danger of this plan, and kept the religious Zionists of the Israeli Likud party reigned in.

It is unclear why, but the world Zionist movement has gained control over almost all the Atlanticist states. The subject is worth a blog in itself. But this is what has finally turned the Yinon plan loose.

In the writings of the early Zionists, before Jewish settlement of Palestine had even begun, it was clear that the ultimate aim was not just an enclave for Jews in the holy land. The goal was to conquer the whole ‘fertile crescent’ area. They wanted everything King Solomon had ruled over, including tributary states.

It needs to be clearly understood that a lot of these people were, and are, totally racist. They do believe Jews are a superior race. They find intermarriage with non Jews a big threat. The actual semitic people of the middle east are subhuman, fit to be ruled over or killed at will.

This is what the people of West Asia and Egypt are up against.

Now, to the historical context. In the beginning, there was the Ottoman Empire. It ruled over everything from Iran to the Mediterranean.

The Ottomans were on the losing side in world war one. The old sultan got thrown out and a secular state was established in its core territory, modern Turkey. The British and French were able to occupy everything south of that to Arabia.

Mister Sykes and Monsieur Picot got together in a hotel room in Paris and decided how these territories would be divided between France and Britain. They created Iraq, Syria, and TransJordan. They found some Arabian princes to be puppet Kings over them.

Britain got TransJordan and began the process of settling Zionist Jews in the coastal areas. France got Syria and Iraq, but decided it did not want Iraq and gave it back to the British. It carved Lebanon off from Syria, because that was where the Maronite Christians lived, who were more amenable to French rule.

The Syrian Kingdom did not last long. The Iraqi Kingdom lasted until 1958. Both countries were impossible for colonial powers to rule and were independent by the end of world war two. Unfortunately, they have had trouble maintaining stable and effective governments.

The Jordanian monarchy still exists. It has been more stable. However, it lost its western area in 1948, which became Israel. It is effectively landlocked and dependent on Israel.

Modern Egypt was formed earlier than these countries. France and Britain wanted to be sure they controlled the Suez Canal. So, they forced the Ottomans to make it an autonomous territory of their empire, really controlled by the Suez company.

The big problem with these states uniting against Israel has been the political divisions among them. All the states described above started out as secular. Yet they all have religious traditions.

Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan are Sunni. Iran is the big Shia state. Iraq is mostly Shia, and Syria and Lebanon are mixed. The Shia and Sunni branches of Islam have long been rivals, but secularism has calmed this down.

However, most of the Arabian peninsula is ruled by religious Sunnis, usually called Salafists or Wahabbis. They are offended by secularism. Western covert services find religion a good tool for weakening societies they find hard to control.

After 1979, the Shah of Iran was thrown out by Shia clerics. These have not been allied with the west. What really concerns the west and Israel is that, beginning under the Shah, Iran developed a nuclear power program. It has the capacity to produce nuclear weapons.

During the 1980s, Israel tried to occupy Lebanon and split it up. Shia clerics in Lebanon, aided by Iran, organized Hezbollah as a military and political force and drove Israel out. Zionism thus has a huge vendetta against Hezbollah and Iran.

Starting in 2011, the western covert services used religious zealots, jihadis, as a tool to try to take out the Assad government in Syria. The Assad family had been in power since 1970. They are corrupt, incompetent, and brutal.

However, the jihadis in Syria were so repulsive that much of the population turned against them and back to Bashar Assad. They killed or enslaved all minorities in Syria; Christians, Druze, Kurds, and even the Palestinian refugees. Especially, they went after Shias, called Alawites in Syria, because the Assads are Alawite and based their power on them.

Russian policy in Syria has always baffled many people. But in 2015, when the Assad government was at the end of it’s rope fighting the foreign backed Jihadis, Russia intervened. This turned things around.

However, the Russians never finished the job. Syria remained economically compromised. An American garrison is in the far east of the country, protecting Kurds and some gangsters who are sitting on the country’s oil fields and its best farmland.

The Jihadis were left in control of the Idlib pocket, protected by the Erdogan government in Turkey. The Russians built some bases on the Mediterranean coast of Syria. With the truce, Assad went back to governing Syria in his old way, throwing out the generals and administrators who had enabled him to survive.

Erdogan is a religious Sunni who made himself a near dictator of previously secular Turkey by electoral fraud. He also has some “Neo Ottoman” notions; wants Turkey to get back some of the lands in ruled over in Ottoman times. He has built a reputation as a very deceitful and untrustworthy head of state.

Israel created Hamas as a religious Jihadi group, so as to divide the Palestinians. Hamas outsmarted them by gaining control of Gaza, creating a strong militia, and becoming a serious enemy of Israel. The Sunni/Shia problem makes it hard for them to cooperate with Iran and Hezbollah.

The big problem with most of these front line Arab states is they are run in an ultra oligarchic way. A small, very corrupt elite wants to stay in power at all costs. They disdain all populism.

Due to this, their armies are crap. Officers are chosen for loyalty to the regime, not for competence. Because of fears of military revolts, army units are isolated from each other.

Thus, training is poor. New tactics and technologies cannot be easily absorbed. For example, air force pilots get little training because they might fly off the handle and bomb the presidential palace.

Such was the situation as of last year.

Most West Asia commentators have been confused by recent events. They all have their pet theories about it, which are almost all wrong. Their problem is that theory comes before facts.

Until last year, Israel seemed to have West Asia wired. The Palestinians had gone silent. These are the people displaced by the formation of Israel, now living under Israeli siege or occupation, in refugee camps in the Arab states, or in diaspora all over the western world.

The Arab elites had decided it was now safe to recognize Israel. Thus Israel could now safely go ahead with its plans to eliminate Palestinians as a people. They could either leave Gaza and the West Bank, or slowly starve to death.

Hamas crossed the Israeli border on October 7th, blowing up this situation. The Israelis responded in a berserk way. This enraged the Moslem ‘street’ and made normalization with Israel impossible.

People who find Hamas’s actions to be stupid and suicidal do not understand the situation Gaza is in. As I wrote last year, they can die slowly and quietly in the dark. Or, they can die faster, with more chance of survival, or of at least extracting some vengeance for the destruction of their lives.

Even if they are exterminated, Gazans have really destroyed Israel. Its economy and its image in the world are gone, never to recover. The war they started cannot be stopped and will destroy Israel.

This is not simply about Netanyahu, psychopath that he is. Any government which could conceivably come into office in Israel will act in much the same way. The whole Israeli society has been poisoned by one hundred years of isolation and rule according to Zionist ideology.

Hezbollah and the Houthis of Yemen attacked Israel to try to make it stop attacking Gaza. Israel could not defeat Hezbollah on the ground so it started attacking Lebanese civilians from the air. The Israeli population fled large areas of Northern Israel and will never come back.

Israel began to attack Iranian facilities in Syria. It is not clear why, because Assad had halted Iranian shipments to Hezbollah across Syrian territory. This created an accelerating ‘tit for tat’ until Iranians were firing rockets at Israel from its own territory.

Israel began to be attacked with rockets from all directions. Its air defenses could not stop them. It had to call off an air attack on Iran because its planes could not crack Iranian air defenses.

Israel carried out its famous ‘pager’ attack in Lebanon. It killed the supreme leader of Hezbollah, and much of his staff, as they met in a deep bunker. In the short term, this will have thrown Hezbollah of balance.

Ultimately, it will bring better leadership forward. Zionist infiltration will be rooted out. The Iranians have also realized that they are heavily penetrated and must fix the problem.

Israel and Hezbollah came to a cease fire. Both sides had little choice but to stop. However, Israel’s idea of a ceasefire is that the other side stops, they keep firing.

The rumor was that Israel wanted to open a front with Syria as soon as it got the Hezbollah ceasefire. The stated reason was to prevent supplies from flowing from Iran through Syria, but this was not actually happening. The day after the ceasefire, Syria was invaded from the north.

The invasion was by the same islamist militias which had terrorized Syria for a decade, but under a new name. They were armed and supplied by Turkey. The supposed reason was that Erdogan was angry that Assad would not talk with him.

Clueless commentators wonder aloud why Russia abandoned Assad now, after propping him up for nine years. Russia knew that everyone in Syria was sick of Assad. Western covert operatives had thoroughly penetrated the Syrian army command and civil administration.

The Russians were also sick of Assad and his refusal to either reform his government or to let better people take over. Russia now has better basing options in Libya. Iran and Hezbollah were angry with Assad for shutting down their convoys, warehouses, and factories when they needed them most.

Apologists for the Assad regime said that he was all that stood between the Syrian people and the psychopathic, head chopping, intestine eating jihadists. This is a variation on the ‘lesser evilism’ arguments which keep so many abusive regimes in power.

The only real solution for government in Syria is to let this “HTS” group come on. Then, either control or moderate their behavior, or create an effective resistance to them. The various forces aligned with the axis of resistance are clearly preparing for either track.

So far, HTS is giving confusing signs. However, there have been some attacks on religious minorities and secularists. HTS gunmen have shot and hanged people in the streets.

A radical Sunni theocracy will not fly in a very diverse country like Syria. As well, Erdogan’s apparent idea that Syria will be absorbed into Turkey will go nowhere. Now the Israelis seem to have ideas that they are going to take part of Syria.

The Israelis had delayed until the Syrian army was clearly broken up, then moved in. The HTS government is now telling them to get off Syrian territory but admits it has no means to make them go. Even the Russians, after pretending to be leaving, moving troops and equipment around, look like they are staying.

Then we have the Americans and their Kurdish allies in the far east of Syria. Erdogan hates the Kurds, who have long wanted their own state and have waged guerrilla war in Kurdish areas of Turkey. The Americans seem to want to keep their own bases in Syria and have promised the Kurds they will eventually get their own autonomous zone.

In short, there is in Syria a very complex situation with a large number of elements in play. Some people who had been cheerleading for Palestine and the axis of resistance are now despondent. It seems to them that Israel and the Americans have won.

However, the axis itself is much more sanguine. The chief of Hezbollah says they are in this for the long haul and they will find work-arounds for the temporary loss of land links to Iran. Russia and Iran are able to see it, that the Israeli and western plans for Syria will turn into a big trap of their own making.

If these developments do not help the Gazans, at least they do not make their situation any worse. Hamas seems to think the HTS government in Syria could help them. At least, they are both Sunni Islamists.

To conclude, the dumbest thing Syrian commentators have voiced is indignation at the Israeli bombing of all Syrian military assets; air defenses, ships, factories, arsenals. Of course, the Russians have helped them to locate these assets. No one with any sense would want all this gear to fall into the hands of HTS.

I have a feeling I will be blogging again fairly soon about Syria and the Zionist war.