2025 predictions and postdictions
The year 2020 marked the end of the post world war two era. This was the period of relative peace and stability which came out of the settlement of 1945. That settlement has now broken down and we are in a new interregnum until a new stability can be established.
We are at the midpoint of the turbulent twenties
The very first blog post I wrote, in my current stint as a blogger, was in March of 2020. I wrote blogs before, around 2008 to 2010, and for awhile in 2015 to 2016, but I was not satisfied with the platforms available. It was really Substack which made it a viable avocation for me.
The subject of that first post was the coming age of turmoil. I welcomed everyone to the turbulent twenties. It was apt, since the lockdowns started in Canada right that week.
The year 2020 marked the end of the post world war two era. This was the period of relative peace and stability which came out of the settlement of 1945. That settlement has now broken down and we are in a new interregnum until a new stability can be established.
This is how world history advances. An old order becomes ‘corrupted’ or really just tired, and it finally falls apart. An interregnum occurs, until a new global hegemony emerges and establishes a new system.
Trust me about this. I am wise above all others. I even have an honors degree in Political Science to hang on my wall. If I ever bother to take it out of its sleeve.
Of course, this cycle is really a western thing. Other civilizations tend to work in longer cycles. However, the west, even if it is in decline itself, has imposed its systems on the entire world.
In many ways, the Westphalian system of national states, laws, currency, trade, has become the universal system. The Westphalian system refers to the results of the treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This was when the European powers were motivated to insure that the calamity of the thirty years war of 1618 to 1648 never occurred again.
It worked somewhat. It is one of the positive achievements of Western civilization. Wars for the next century and a half were more restrained.
Wars in this period seemed to be about who was going to be King over what, plus some mercantilist trade problems. They were not about laying waste to any territory I cannot control, so that my enemy cannot use it, which was the mode before 1618. The impulse to wipe the heretics next door from the earth, as in the 1618 to 1648 period, had vanished.
So, a good deal of progress was possible. Imperial agressions were directed to overseas colonies, not within Christian Europe. The conclusion of the scientific revolution transited smoothly into the beginning of the industrial revolution.
This era finally broke down due to the growing power of a ‘bourgeoisie’ or middle class, and industrial capitalism. These people often thought that national states were inhibiting progress. This lead to the French revolution and a new interregnum.
This period is usually called ‘The Napoleonic Wars’ although Napoleon did not become a dominant factor until half way through it. This lasted from 1789 to 1815. It ended with the treaty of Ghent.
At Ghent, the old Westphalian Monarchs decided they were going to roll back the liberal system put in place over all Europe by Napoleon. They tried to ignore the promises they made to their people to get them onside against the French empire. Rebellions then began stirring all over Europe.
Napoleon came back from exile and took the opportunity for another try. The Monarchs beat him at Waterloo but realized they were never going to undo his system. So they did Ghent 2 and focused on keeping peace among themselves, adapting to liberalism, while keeping their populations under control by less direct means.
After this came a century of stability and progress. European wars were kept in limits. The industrial revolution matured. Europe came to own most of the world.
This period of “order and progress” was ended by the rising power of financial capitalism. These people had developed the attitude they were not going to tolerate any country existing outside their system. In Europe, the Germans and Austrians insisted on running their economies their own way.
That is, government steered the economy and regulated banking. This made their industry very competitive with the financialist run states. As well, All European states were worried by the growing interest in socialism.
The global financialist oligarchy, based in London, started a war with the Germans and their allies. They assumed they were going to win it fairly easy. Instead they undermined their own power and started a new interregnum.
This unstable period included the two world wars, the great depression, and the first turbulent twenties. This was more often called the roaring twenties. They roared the way a hurricane roars.
By 1945, globalism had failed. The Soviet Union, the first socialist state, had come into being. It had defeated the Nazi German regime created as the proxy force to destroy it.
The hold of conservative institutions had been shaken all over the Atlantic nations. A partial socialism had to be offered to weaken support for a socialist revolution in these countries. This led to huge economic and social progress.
The next 75 years were a new stability. The colonial system broke down and the former colonies also experimented with limited socialism. In the earlier years, this was a real golden age for western people.
Some, looking back, call it “the golden thirty”. Music, film, literature, and all other cultural expressions were never better. Living standards for working people have never been better, before or since.
Gradually globalism reasserted control. The turning point was right about 1980. Almost anything you can name has turned for the worse since then.
Several things around 2020 signaled the end of this age of stability. The covid pandemic showed the inability of most governments to protect their populations. China and Russia decided they were through with western abuse and declared an alliance.
International conferences set out the principles for a BRICS bank (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and a new currency exchange system. The principle of a multipolar world order was proclaimed. The global financial elite was astonished by this and quickly began a reaction.
Another problem for the globalists is the rise of national industrialist movements. These are cooperating internationally, mostly through the IDU (International Democratic Union). I have explained the differences between these rival forms of capitalism in my “three sided conflict” post.
The rivalry between industrialists and financialists goes back a long way. Financialists usually prevail because they organize globally, while industrialists are locally focused. Recently industrialists have become more sophisticated and international.
The third side of the old conflict are the socialists. That is, those who think the political economy should be organized to benefit the actual population. Many of the world’s countries now operate as socialist systems and are proving very successful.
However, in Atlanticist countries, the core countries of the western world and it’s colonial empires, socialism is being intensely suppressed. This is a big reason for their decline. The success of socialized economies is a huge threat to remaining capitalist countries.
We are now in another interregnum period in which an old order is trying to suppress a new order. We are five years into it and it will probably go on for another ten to twenty years. War, famine, plague, and death will ride over much of the world.
I could write several posts about how this could play out for the next few decades. But I have said enough to give background to my explanations of what was been going on lately. Also, what will likely happen in the next year and the next few years.
However, as events spiral toward a climax, it gets harder to predict even a year in advance. It is harder to even postdict, to explain what just happened. There are too many black swans flapping around now, waiting to become real.
2024 was the year when things that started earlier in the decade intensified. Regional conflicts are expanding into a single global conflict between two competing world visions. I am still not sure exactly what to call these two power blocs.
Nothing much developed in Ukraine. The neo Nazis, backed by the NATO organization, want to fight right through to their gotterdamerung. The Russians continue to wear them down, while minimizing their own losses, and damage to areas they will have to rebuild and govern.
In the Middle East, or West Asia as it is better described, things have gone wild. The Zionists want to finally eliminate the Palestinians. That means not just in areas they control, but in areas they intend to conquer.
Most of the Palestinians seem not to care. After 70 years of living under the heel of Zionism, many of them have given up on the future and just want a chance to take some Zionists with them as they die. This is why they are so dangerous.
Israel has now been fully seized by the most evil form of an evil ideology. They believe that if they do not achieve their decades long aim of eliminating Palestinians as a people within the next couples of years, they will fall. Since this is not doable, they will indeed fall.
They have used their intelligence penetration of their enemies to severely disrupt their leadership. But now they have shot that bolt. The resistance is now aware of the ‘fifth columns’ among them and is flushing them out.
The Zionists think they pulled a coup by bringing down the Assad government. Actually, Assad was an asset to them. He was an unreliable ally for the resistance.
Israeli and American intelligence did not really bring him down. The Russians finally understood there was no point to propping up a corrupt, incompetent, and two faced government. To say he stood against the terrorist takeover of Syria is to engage in a form of ‘lesser evilism’.
The removal of Assad can lead to more serious resistance developing in Syria. It is becoming clear that the recycled Jihadis presently in control of Damascus will be unable to govern. They will not be around long.
The Russians have maintained a presence in Syria. They are becoming the big ‘stabilizing presence’ all over West Asia. The Americans and Israelis still have enough grasp of reality to know that they do not want to take on Mother Russia directly.
The front which is being ignored in this global conflict is Africa. I have not written about it for awhile. There is a lot to write about.
With help from Russia and China, most of black Africa has made some economic progress. They are trying to shake off the economic domination of Europe. The Atlantic hegemony is reacting against this.
The Africans are doing well in the northwest, the Sahel, the “FrancoAfrique” area. French and American troops are being told to shut down their drone bases and get on their planes. The next step is to build up these countries transport networks so they can export and import without using western infrastructure.
Of course, as it always does, the west have organized ‘freedom fighters’ to apply pressure to these governments. Ukrainian mercenaries are being sent to train these ‘punisher’ forces, teaching them the latest in drone war. So, Russian troops are going to these countries to train the national armies to defend their homelands.
There is a really bad situation in Sudan. What makes it so is that there is no good side to support. Two evenly matched gangs of vicious predators are fighting for control. The only people benefiting from this are the western globalists.
In many African countries, the public is starting to gain influence over government. In some countries there is still vicious reaction. Kenya is having an especial bad problem with a crooked government which will not give up.
So to the situation within Atlanticist countries, including Canada. The financial ‘centrist’ elite is losing control everywhere. The industrialist ‘right wing’ is pushing them aside.
This trend is more advanced in North America. These two factions have no significant differences in strategic goals. The Trump government will make the same mistakes and lose just as badly to the Eurasianist bloc.
Where they differ a lot is in trade and domestic policy. Trump in the States, Poilievre in Canada, will be a disaster. They will be unable to govern and will soon fall, but will cause huge damage as they go.
After that, there is no way to predict what will happen. In Canada and the USA, there is no political party, or organized movement of any kind, which could form an effective government. It seems like all potential leadership has been eliminated.
Trump wants to put up tariffs, according to the idea that this will get domestic American production going again. All this will do is produce massive inflation and a more rapid implosion of the American economy. He also wants to keep the American dollar high, which also hurts domestic production.
Poilievre and Ontario premier Ford engage in some Keyfabe with Trump about this. They both really want to simply integrate the Canadian economy fully into The States. They want to eliminate everything public, starting with our health care system.
By the way, you see that I assume Poilievre will win next year. It is also a good bet that Ford will win in Ontario. It is hard to lose elections when absolutely nothing is running against you.
Of course, the Liberals will be astonished next year when they lose. It will be be like a black swan to them. Or, as with the short guy in the “Princess Bride” movie, it will be “inconceivable”.
I do not believe in black swans. I know they live in Australia. They live in the minds of people who find any contradiction of their presumptions to be “inconceivable”.
However, I never see one. I never see anything happen which could not have been predicted. Not within the realm of politics and public events, anyway.
Anything which takes place was loaded and ready. The only question was, when would someone decide to pull the trigger. There is no excuse for being taken by surprise by such events.
The thing about black swans is that they happen in clusters. It is not predictable how the interactions will play out. However, long term patterns are fairly predictable.
For example, the biggest, fattest, black swan floating around in Canada right now is the real estate bubble. It is the stupidest, most unnecessary mess which any government could have got itself into. It is as predictable as night following day.
What cannot be predicted is when it will pop. When it does, the impact on Canada will be much worse than similar meltdowns in The States and other countries. That is because government, and quasi governmental institutions, has let it go on so much longer without doing anything about it.
But of course the problem with Canadian government is that it is incapable of doing anything. We have these shell institutions designed by colonial administrators to give the local yokels some illusion of control. But the governors and the businessmen around them kept all the real power.
Then the British governors all went home. This was in 1933, not in 1867. We are left under control of a shadow government of business interests. These interests have remained more aligned to British than American business, so are slightly more socially progressive.
However, since about 1980 they have adopted a philosophy of immobilism. They want no constitutional amendments or changes to government. They want no new social programs.
This is why government has become so utterly useless in Canada. This is why it is impossible for it to do anything about the real estate bubble except to wait for “The Market” to “correct” itself. So this malignancy is eating the economy; killing investment, eroding government revenues, eroding living standards.
When this bubble pops, it will be like a starting gun. A great number of things will start to happen at once. The most significant thing is that a lot of people who had been well off will suddenly be very poor.
Governments all across Canada will react in different ways. For the Ford hoodlums, it will be the end of their real estate scams using Toronto public assets. They will resign and ‘bust out’. It is likely their big reason for calling an early election is to give themselves more time.
Poilievre in office will do what radical right wing politicians always do in a financial crisis and collapse of government revenues. That is, use it as an excuse to burn the country down even faster. He will make the most of the biggest flaw in the Canadian system; the lack of any way to get rid of characters like him before he wrecks the country.
So, for some time it has been getting more difficult and dangerous in Canada to be old, poor, and disabled. It is about to get more so. The only solution is to change the government.
No, I do not mean, to put another political party in office. I mean change the government. The issue is that there is no electoral or procedural way to do this in Canada.
It is going to be done through a revolution. The thing about revolutions is they do not always lead to something better. Depending on who gets control of the revolution, it can lead to something a lot worse.
One good thing about this is that even if Canada has the worst outcome, due to the breakdown and interregnum, the rest of the word is clearly headed for a better outcome. Eventually, external influences will guide us onto a better path.
The worst of this period will likely be over by 2030. We will be going through the worst part of it over the next five years. By that time the Chinese military will be strong enough that the USA and NATO will cause no more trouble.
That will be the point for Canada to assert itself and finally become an independent country. That will open up huge potential in this country. With the end of imperialism we can finally stop being a colony with an ‘avant colonial’ mentality.
If we get this more or less right, the rest of the century could be a new golden age for Canada. Of course, if there is any kind of nuclear exchange which produces a global cooling, Canada will basically cease to exist. We will mostly emigrate or die.
Canada and the world are at a big deflection point. A lot of things could go in many different ways. This makes prediction difficult.
However, by the end of the turbulent twenties, it should be a lot clearer. With luck I will still be blogging. I will be able to make some interesting postdictions.
Happy New Year.
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